102279 – You only being used

That always horny dick makes it easy to take advantage over you. I think its already pretty clear that im only using you. But for the ones with the pink glasses over there stupid face im just gonna make it clear for you in this clip. While im drainin more ca$h out of you. The only reason why you are still around. My whole presence my face, my tits, my ass just my whole goddess body makes that dick hard at the very first glance. There is so much what i have and what you want which is the reason why you are so addicted to me. Well but there isnt much on your side. So your only way to be still atleast a tiny part of my life is spending, spending, spending. You gonna feed my greed. I will never stop using my perfection to drain everything out from you chronik jerkingmorons.
You only being used
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