140098 – Inhale brain fuck – total addiction

Get ready for me to fuck your brain right now! This will be the most extreme thing you have ever experienced! I will work on your spirit, I will fuck your spirit and your soul and make you my puppet without will. You will not be able to withstand my gaze, my eyes will blur before you, your mind will become stupid and your thoughts will be controlled by me. You will now completely focus on me, you will lose control and you will inhale! Wank… and inhale! Focus on me… jerk off… inhale again… lose control! With each breath I will penetrate more and more into your head until I am completely, deeply inside. In your head is there is nothing and nobody but me! I alone. I am the most important thing. The thought of it makes you nervous, doesn’t it? And yet it is exactly what you need and what makes you horny! You need my control, you need the dependence and you get that now! Breathe in… jerk off… and be mine!
Inhale brain fuck - total addiction
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