205987 – I am YOUR BOSS! Small penis humiliation POV clip

Lady Victoria Valente: Femdom POV / Role play / Boss / Employee: You have applied to me in my company, I am your new boss! The boss with the hot cock! I always have him with me and stroke constantly around him! Next week, all my coworkers have to present their tails! And I hope that all my coworkers look as horny as my favorite cock! Oh, I could be the same time with your cock, go open your pants and show me your cock! I quickly realize that your tail is very small. He jerk him off, play around him so he gets bigger. I look at my watch and give you some time. Then I look again and realize: You have a mini-tail. And that is what I want to apply for in the company, which is pathetic! I will give you another chance! If you have a lot of cumshots you may get a trial period! I will train you as a multitude! Will you manage to inspire me?
I am YOUR BOSS! Small penis humiliation POV clip
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