210170 – My expensive high heels crush your inflatables easily

Look at my beautiful expensive high heels – these thin heels are just perfect for destroying your weak little inflatables! They pierce through the thin plastic with ease – I love it! Sometimes I place the heel carefully on them and then slowly increase the pressure until they pop – other times, I simply stomp down hard a couple of times to cover them in holes. Either way – one after another is mercilessly destroyed by my sexy shoes and there’s nothing you can do to stop it. Does it hurt you to hear the popping sound when my heel pierces through the surface, followed by the sound of all the air escaping? Or do my heels turn you on so much, that you don’t care?!
My expensive high heels crush your inflatables easily
Go to Store “Madame Marissa”

209433 – We’re having more fun playing with your inflatables!

So many cool inflatables … and I bet, Nora and I are going to have way more fun with them than you could ever have! For us there’s nothing more enjoyable than crushing your inflatables with our high heels – is it fun for you as well? Seeing 2 sexy women destroying your inflatables? Or do you suffer watching them getting covered in holes?! Not that you’d have anything to say in this … the decision was already made by us. Some of these are very rare and valuable, aren’t they? Well, bad luck! All of your inflatables are going to be destroyed by our sexy shoes – one after another – and there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it!
We're having more fun playing with your inflatables!
Go to Store “Madame Marissa”

208757 – Almost too pretty to be destroyed … almost!

You brought some really pretty inflatables this time … almost too pretty to be destroyed! But you know how much I love to destroy your inflatables … and my high heels and my cigarette are both extremely dangerous for them! Does it hurt you to see me destroy them one after another?! But you knew that this would happen to them … didn’t you? Come a little closer … take a close look at my thin heels and what they do to your inflatables! And can you see the red-hot tip of my cigarette? The thin plastic of your beloved inflatables is easily burned through with it. Maybe I’ll be nice and let you keep the remains? Or will I be mean and throw them into the trash, so they’ll be gone forever?
Almost too pretty to be destroyed ... almost!
Go to Store “Madame Marissa”

208173 – Playing with your inflatables – and then crushing them!

You brought some really nice inflatables again – and first, I want to play with them for a while. I’m wearing no shoes and walk over your inflatables with my bare feet, enjoy the soft squishy ground and you can see the 2 things you love most in this world at the same time – my feet and inflatables! But this pleasure won’t last long … next, I’ll put on my high heels … and you know how dangerous they are for your inflatables, don’t you?! Yes, the thin heels easily pierce through the thin fabric and all the air escapes through the gaping holes the heels left behind! One after another is crushed under my merciless shoes – and there’s nothing you can do … you can just stare in a mix of excitement and shock. Maybe you can repair one or two of them? Or will I cover all of them in multiple heel holes or rip them wide open to destroy them beyond repair?!
Playing with your inflatables - and then crushing them!
Go to Store “Madame Marissa”

206891 – Our high heels destroy all of your inflatables!

Today you’ll suffer a lot – watching us destroy your beloved inflatables with our merciless high heels! Do you like the sexy high heels Lady Nora and I are wearing? Too bad they’re so dangerous for your inflatables … and if I’m not mistaken, some of these inflatables are really old and rare … and you love them a lot, don’t you? One after another gets to meet our brutal high heels and we cover them in holes. Does it hurt your little heart when you hear the pop as our heel pierces through the thin plastic and then the sound of all the air escaping? When we’re done with them, your whole collection will be flat as a pancake, and with that many holes, they’re probably beyond repair … ready for the trashcan!
Our high heels destroy all of your inflatables!
Go to Store “Madame Marissa”

206416 – Claws and heels destroy your inflatables with ease!

I’ve brought special tools to take care of your inflatables today … some metal claws for my fingers with very sharp tips … and a pair of sexy high heels with thin sharp heels! I don’t think your beloved inflatables will be able to stand either of those … and I just love how easy it is for me to destroy them – and how much you suffer when I make you watch the destruction! What do you like better? When I apply a firm grip to your inflatables and leave behind 10 little holes with the claws? Or when I step on them and my heel leaves behind a nice gaping hole? Either way, in the end, all of your inflatables are going to be destroyed! This is a non-exclusive custom clip for a fan. If you want me to do a custom clip for you, send me an email to marissa@madamemarissa.com!
Claws and heels destroy your inflatables with ease!
Go to Store “Madame Marissa”

205864 – Inflatable mattresses crushed under my over-knee boots

Did you think I wouldn’t find your collection of inflatable mattresses? Of course, I found it … and now I’m going to play with them … differently than you hoped though! Do you see these sexy over knee boots? They’ve really thin heels with sharp edges … very dangerous for the thin plastic of inflatables – and that’s exactly why I’m wearing them today! Every single one of these stupid mattresses will be pierced by my heels. Does it hurt you to see your beloved inflatables being crushed like that? One after another, and there’s nothing you can do to stop it!
Inflatable mattresses crushed under my over-knee boots
Go to Store “Madame Marissa”

205438 – My wonderful heels destroy your beloved inflatables

You love these sexy high-heeled sandals, don’t you? And you love all these lovely inflatables I’ve got here, don’t you? Unfortunately, high heels are really dangerous for your beloved toys – and the fact that I love to crush things under my shoe soles doesn’t help your inflatables’ chances of survival either! One after the other is mercilessly crushed by my sexy heels … and I know it hurts you to see those big inflatables destroyed by me … but at the same time you can’t take your eyes off my sexy shoes, can you? I know they make you weak … and I enjoy seeing you suffer inside as your stupid toys get completely flattened. Shall I allow you to repair them afterwards? We’ll see… first you’ll kiss my high heels and thank me for taking such good care of your inflatables!
My wonderful heels destroy your beloved inflatables
Go to Store “Madame Marissa”

204855 – Nora and I take care of your most beloved inflatables

For Nora’s visit, I took some of your most beloved inflatables … we need something to play with after all. But you know, Nora and I tend to be a little rougher on your inflatables … and the thin heels of our ankle boots are very dangerous for the thin plastic of your inflatables. One after another is crushed and Nora and I have a lot of fun! Do you have as much fun as we do? Watching 2 sexy girls play with your inflatables was always your dream, wasn’t it?! Well, maybe you had another idea of "play" than we had … but now it’s too late … all of your beloved inflatables are crushed and ready for the trash! This is a non-exclusive custom clip for a fan. If you want me to do a custom clip for you, send me an email to marissa@madamemarissa.com!
Nora and I take care of your most beloved inflatables
Go to Store “Madame Marissa”

204261 – You thought, I love inflatables as much as you do?!

Do you like my outfit? I put it on especially for you … we both love inflatables … but I think I love them differently than you do! For me, it’s the most fun to use my sexy boots’ heels to cover your beloved inflatables with holes and destroy them once and for all! Oh, was that one of your favorite pieces that I just crushed?! Your inflatables don’t mean anything to me – for me it’s just a lot of fun to destroy them! And you’ll now watch me as I destroy every single one of your inflatables in front of your eyes – some with my boots, some with my cigarette and some with a screw driver!
You thought, I love inflatables as much as you do?!
Go to Store “Madame Marissa”

203179 – Fast and hard crushing of your inflatables

When we talked about you sending me inflatables, I didn’t mean these stupid little ones … I like the big rare inflatables! What should I do with these ones? You can’t do anything with these. I’ll simply stomp them all flat with my high heels – quick and easy! For me this is just trash and I’ll treat it like trash. My sharp heels will take care of them swiftly. Just a few stomps and the little air chambers are empty again – and these inflatables are ready for the trash can – where they belong in! Does it hurt you to see me crushing your inflatables so fast, carelessly and mercilessly?! Well, then you better send me some good ones next time, and not this trash again!
Fast and hard crushing of your inflatables
Go to Store “Madame Marissa”

202716 – 2 mean ladies destroy your inflatables

Nora really wanted to do another inflatable crush video with me … and I’m sure you don’t mind if we use your inflatables for that, do you?! Well, too late for that now … none of these will be able to escape our cruel high heels! I know it hurts your little heart to see us destroy your inflatables so easily – but it’s just so much fun for us … the screeching sound they make just before our heels slide into them … and the satisfying POP when the heel goes through … and if we’re fast enough, we can even stomp in multiple holes before too much air escaped! And you will watch closely as our heels destroy all of your inflatables … one after another … do you think you’ll be able to repair them? And will we even allow you to try?! Either way … Nora seems to really like to play with your inflatables … so you’ve to bring us more for next time! This is a non-exclusive custom clip for a fan. If you want me to do a custom clip for you, send me an email to marissa@madamemarissa.com!
2 mean ladies destroy your inflatables
Go to Store “Madame Marissa”

201969 – Pressure testing your favorite inflatable

You love this inflatable rhino, don’t you? I’m going to put it through a tough test today … can you hear the pump?! Let’s see if the pump alone can make each of the chambers burst … or will I need to use my boots to pop them?! I think this pump has enough power … look how hard it already is … it can only be a matter of seconds now! And the great thing about this rhino is that it has to many air chambers … and it each of them will be popped, one way or another! And you know … when they burst from too much pressure … they’re basically impossible to repair! Are you getting nervous?!
Pressure testing your favorite inflatable
Go to Store “Madame Marissa”

200930 – My claws and heels destroy your inflatables

I’ve something special planned for your most favorite inflatables … for some of them, I’ll use my sexy high heels to cover them in holes … but for some of the others, I’ve brought my new metal claws … they’re really points and razor-sharp – and your inflatables will have no chance against them! Let’s see what damage they can do … shall we start with this swim ring? It’s hard to even pick them up without damaging them already … but if I’m very careful, I can scratch the plastic a little bit, before the claws dig into the plastic and destroy your inflatable. And my high heels can crush your inflatables just as easily … and it’s just a matter of luck if they simply punch a straight hole into the plastic or if they rip a gaping hole into them … not that it really matters in the end … you don’t think you’ll get them back to repair them, do you?!
My claws and heels destroy your inflatables
Go to Store “Madame Marissa”

200825 – Breathreduction Therapie – We take your breath away!

This slave needed special treatment, so he came to us wonderful Ladies for a breath reduction therapy deluxe! With our stunning looks, we already take his breath away. Furthermore, we reduced the air in his mask even more, till there was only a little left…With our gorgeous bodies we stroke him, and combined with our beautiful voices we made him cum. As a little extra, because he is a good slave, we open our latex pans and let him sniff our wonderful wet pussys!!!
Breathreduction Therapie - We take your breath away!
Go to Store “Missy Van Licks”

200230 – You won’t be able to save any of your inflatables!

Do you see the over-knee boots I’m wearing? Yes, they’re really sexy … and they’re perfect to crush your dumb inflatable toys as well! These thin heels pierce through the plastic easily and it’s just so much fun for me to destroy your beloved inflatables in front of your eyes! And even if I can take a few steps over your air mattress without it getting punctured by my heels – don’t get your hopes up – you won’t be able to save any of them! My boots will crush every single one of them – and you won’t be allowed to repair them either. You’ll take a close look as my sexy boots destroy your inflatables for good – no matter how much this sight hurts your little heart!
You won't be able to save any of your inflatables!
Go to Store “Madame Marissa”

199800 – New high heels cover your inflatables in holes!

Do you like my new sexy high heels? They’re incredibly sexy, aren’t they?! Unfortunately for you, these heels are really dangerous for your beloved inflatables … only the tiniest amount of pressure is enough for the heels to pierce through the pressurized chambers of the inflatables – and they leave behind nasty holes all over your inflatables! And with most of them I won’t stop after a single hole … no, your inflatables will be completely covered in holes, they will be destroyed beyond repair – and you can’t do anything to save them. You can just watch how these sexy heels destroy your beloved collectibles one after another. Does is hurt you to see them getting flattened? To hear them pop as my heels pierce through the plastic again and again?! To hear the air escaping them one last time?! Yes, I bet it does – and that makes me enjoy it even more!
New high heels cover your inflatables in holes!
Go to Store “Madame Marissa”

199179 – 4 high heels destroy your inflatables (small version)

Lady Nora and I are going to have a lot of fun with your inflatables today – more than you’d ever have with them! Unfortunately, none of your beloved inflatables will survive our playing – and you’ll watch closely as we use our sexy high heels to completely cover your inflatables in holes! The heels pierce through the weak plastic effortlessly and sometimes they rip even bigger holes into them. You didn’t think you could repair them once we’re done with them, did you?! No, not a single one of your beloved inflatables will survive this day – and when we’re done with them, they’ll go right into the garbage can!
4 high heels destroy your inflatables (small version)
Go to Store “Madame Marissa”

198623 – Metal heels are fatal for your inflatables

Look how many of your inflatables I got here … and you know what matches these inflatables perfectly? Metal … the metal of my sexy high heels … or the metal of a key … both will slide easily through the weak plastic of your inflatables! And you … does it turn you on to watch me ruthlessly destroying your beloved inflatables? To see how my heels punch more and more holes through your inflatables and I rip big holes into them with the key until all air escapes from them? When I’m done with your inflatables, they’re definitely ready for the landfill … and who knows, maybe I let you give my sexy high heels a kiss to thank me!
Metal heels are fatal for your inflatables
Go to Store “Madame Marissa”

197883 – Your favorite boots destroy your inflatables

Are you happy to see me? I’m wearing the boots you love so much … but seeing me in these boots comes at a price! While you can stare at my sexy boots, I’ll use these boots to crush all of your stupid inflatables! And with these thin heels, they make quick work of your inflatables! The sharp-edged heels go through the plastic without effort and leave behind big holes … flattening them within seconds! I know it’s painful for you to see your inflatables getting crushed so quickly, mercilessly and effortlessly … but there’s nothing you can do about it – and I won’t stop until they’re all destroyed!
Your favorite boots destroy your inflatables
Go to Store “Madame Marissa”

197351 – Crushing your inflatables – one after another!

I’m wearing my new expensive high heels – with very thin heels! These heels are really dangerous for your beloved inflatables, and I’ll destroy them all under my shoes. Slowly, but surely, they’ll pierce through every one of your inflatables … the thin plastic doesn’t stand a chance against the sharp edges of the heels! I don’t even need to step on them … barely resting my shoes on them is enough to destroy them. And when I’m done with them, they’ll be completely covered in holes, definitely crushed beyond repair … not that I’d allow you to repair them anyway! I know it hurts you watching me destroying the inflatables – but that only makes it even more fun for me!
Crushing your inflatables - one after another!
Go to Store “Madame Marissa”